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A Mermaid's Tail

Updated: Jul 22, 2020

Illustration by Meg van Schaik

On Neighbourhood Watch shifts during Covid Lockdown, our patrollers were confined to our cars in our own streets. This, of course, in the small hours of the morning, amplifies the loneliness and inspired this little poem of two lovers torn apart and living in separate countries, in different hemispheres. Dedicated to Karin Chisholm.

When love comes to me like the tide to the shore

And i take a step deeper as the waves start to roar

Before long I'm floating, the horizon a blur

The swells lift me up to the sun that is her.

I drift on the currents to the depths of the sea

My senses are swimming, my heart’s flying free.

It takes her some time but she takes her first steps

Into the water but not to the depths

She’s a mermaid at heart with a wound in her tail

So her first strokes are shallow where the waves meet the shale

Tides rise and fall to the pull of the moon

She knows she can’t swim too deep or too soon

Slowly she makes her way farther to sea

And soon we’re together and both swimming free

Then storms start to gather and the gales whip the waves

White-horses wilding as the wind cries and raves

My mermaid is drifting away on the tide

The distance between us now an ocean wide

We’re washed up on shores in two different lands

Where loneliness burns like bones in the sand

As time slowly tears at the memories we shared

Love can be tested and pain can’t be spared

Storms will still rage both sides of the sea

Life isn’t easy for her or for me

But everyday dawns with a challenge to meet

Sometimes they’re cruel, sometimes they’re sweet

I still remember the first strokes I made

The water so clear around my mermaid

Our love is still strong and we want it to last

many fish in the sea, but will they swim past?

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